Our Ethnic Friends Paragraph

Write a short paragraph about Our Ethnic Friends / Our Ethnic People’ answering the following questions.
a. Who are ethnic people?
b. What are the religions of our ethnic people?
c. How is the house of our ethnic people?
d. How is the culture of our ethnic people?
e. Where do they live in Bangladesh?
f. What are their main food items and profession?
g. How is the life style of our ethnic people?
h. How do you evaluate the ethnic people?

Our Ethnic Friends Paragraph :

The tribal people are known as ethnic people. They are a very important part of our large population. They hold a very important position in our culture. By religion they are Hindus, Christians and Buddhists. They speak their own mother languages/tongues. Most of them live in the Chittagong Hill Tracts The others live in Mymensingh, Rajshahi and Sylhet. They live in forest, hilly and rural areas. They grow jhum They are mostly farmers. The Chakmas, the Marmas, the Tipperas and the Moorangs live in the Hill Tracts. The Santals live in Rajshahi. The Khasias and the Monipuries live in Sylhet. The Hajangs and the Garos live in Mymensingh. Their life style and culture, are also very rich. They build houses on a high platform. Rice is their main food. They are also fond of eating vegetables, fish and meat. Men put on lungis and women put on thamis. Women weave their own clothes. Their favourite pastimes are hunting and fishing They are very fond of songs, music, dance and fairs. Their popular sport is wresting. They are very helpful, co-operative, friendly, simple and cheerful. They are our good friends too.

Read more: Bangladeshi Cuisine Paragraph

Our Ethnic People Paragraph :

The tribal people are known as ethnic people. They are a very important part of our large population. They hold a very important position in our culture and society. They belong to different religions and different cultures. By religions they are Hindus, Christians and Buddhists. They speak their own mother languages/tongues. Majority of these people live in the Chittagong Hill Tracts. The others live in Mymensingh, Rajshahi and Sylhet. They live in forest, hilly and rural areas. They grow jhum. They are mostly farmers. The Chakmas, the Marmans, the Tipperas and the Moorangs live in the Hill Tracts. The Santals live in Rajshahi. The Khasias and the Monipuries live in Sylhet. The Hajangs and the Garos live in Mymensingh. They have their own wonderful life style and rich culture. They build houses on a high platform. Rice is their main food. They are also fond of eating vegetables, fish and meat. Men put on lungis and women put on thamis. Women weave their own clothes. Their favourite pastimes are hunting and fishing. They are very fond of songs, music, dance and fairs. Their popular sport is wresting. They are very helpful, co-operative, friendly, open-minded, simple and cheerful. These people are our good friends too.

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